How To Write A Landscaping Job Ad To Attract Top Talent

Hiring is a long and difficult process for any industry. The time investment spent on attracting and hiring the best talent for your landscaping business needs to be worthwhile if you’re putting the time and money into training, onboarding, and developing new hires. The last thing you want is to spend hours of your week only to hire and then lose that new employee or contractor because they weren’t a right fit or your business wasn’t a right fit for their career. We’ll outline the steps you need to take to write a strong landscaping job advertisement to attract the best contractors. Just like anything, what you put out is what you’ll attract. If your job ads suck, it’s likely your new hires will too.
What You Need In A Landscaping Job Advertisement
The only way your landscape business hires new landscape employees is to have a job ad that’s searchable. If you’re hiring for a Carpenter within your landscape business, make sure the job description says Carpenter. Some businesses get too cheeky with job titles that they miss out on job prospects finding a vacancy within your business.
The job title is just the first step in creating a strong landscaping job ad. The internet relies on details. The more details you have in your job ads, the easier it will be for job hunters to find them, especially if they’re looking for “landscaping jobs near me”.
Here are some must-have details to include your future landscaping job ads:
Company info:
• Job title
• Company name
• Location
• Wage or Salary
• Type of employment: Full Time, Part Time, Seasonal
• Start date
Job Description:
• 1 paragraph summary of the job, duties, and expectations
• 3-6 duties explained in higher detail
• Required availability
• Job requirements and qualifications: Education, Previous job experience related to the role (if required), Related Hard Skills, Certifications and Licenses
Compensation and Benefits
• Include salary or per hour wages
• Include additional benefits such as health, dental, etc
• Skills the successful candidate can earn
• Opportunity to mention potential career growth
• Application instructions whether over email or in person.
How To Promote Landscaping Job Advertisements
You have your landscaping job ad prepped and ready to promote, but where are landscaping job seekers looking? Job seekers aren’t hanging around anymore at the local coffee shops at 6AM hoping to find work for the day. The two paths landscape business owners can take is promoting jobs digitally or through personal network referrals. With the current labor shortage, it’s tough to ask your cousin if they know anyone looking for a job, so the digital path is usually the way to go to find your next foreman, equipment operator, or general laborer.
Promote your landscaping job ads on prominent job hunting sites like Indeed or on local digital classified ads like craigslist or kijiji. Typically, job hunters will find your ads assuming you’ve included the right information and job title. Business owners can also utilize their websites or social media pages to put callouts for help wanted. Using your business website might yield better long term results as Google recognizes location and keywords to bring up on Google searches. That means that when a job seeker searches “landscaping jobs near me”, Google will use your Google My Business account and recognize that your career page is looking for “Laborers”.
Free Landscaper Job Ad Templates
Even with the outline above, it’s a proper chore to come up with a landscaping job ad from scratch. The Greenius Team packaged together downloadable job descriptions for laborers, foreman, and carpenters that you can bring back to your business.
Download your free landscaper job Free Landscaping Job Advertising Templates Signup – Go Greenius ad templates here.