Successful Strategies to Boost Your Employee Performance and Increase Your Employee Engagement

The significance of employee engagement cannot be overstated, regardless of the size, value or make of a business. From day one of employment through to retirement or termination, it’s paramount that your staff contribute positively towards the company’s progress and actively engage with their colleagues. It’s not just enough to have a few excellent people; you need them all.
Companies that excel in keeping the talent they want have embraced a few core principles and have cemented them into their operations—namely, employee recognition, employee participation and employee feedback.
Employee Recognition
There are many approaches to employee development. One of the most commonly used is employee recognition.
Employee recognition programs are designed to recognize employees who have been instrumental in improving their teams’ performance. Like a gift card to a local store, a small award is often given to employees who have made contributions to the success of a team, project, or department.
Employee recognition programs are also an excellent way to motivate staff members who may be feeling undervalued and underappreciated by your organization. Employees feel appreciated when they know that they are contributing to their job’s success and that they are helping to make the company a successful one.
By providing rewards to employees who show growth in their work or their skills, you can create a positive atmosphere, encourage communication within the workplace and provide employees with an environment where they can grow as people. Employees who feel respected and appreciated are more likely to work harder to keep up with their goals and be the best they can be.
Employee Participation
A step beyond employee recognition, you can further engage with your teams by creating a culture of employee participation.
Employees are encouraged to attend meetings, participate in brainstorming sessions and engage in group projects to increase their skills and knowledge base.
Employee participation allows employees to take part in decision-making, which is helpful when it comes to determining what the company needs to do to improve its performance. Employees get to choose what activities they wish to participate in, how they want to do it, who they want to work with, and the outcome they want to see. Freedom to choose allows employees to take the initiative and encourages them to be more effective leaders.
Employee participation also allows them to understand what the goals and strategic objectives of their organization are. This helps them see what areas they can focus on improving, which gives them a better understanding of what they should look for and how they should go about getting it done. Participating in decisions also increases their sense of responsibility and ownership, and they are better able to identify their contributions to the organizations.
Employee Feedback
One of the most common tools that can be used is an online questionnaire or survey, which allows you to obtain information from your staff about their feelings on specific essential issues to your company. These surveys are easy to complete and can be completed quickly and cost-effectively, enabling you to assess their responses in real-time.
Effective employee surveys share a few common characteristics: compact and accessible; anonymous and secure; fast and consistent.
These core characteristics are baked into the 15 Minute Performance Review Tool we offer at Greenius. Easily accessed from a mobile phone or tablet, the 15 Minute Review Tool is a supercharged employee feedback survey.
The customizable survey is a quick way to “take the temperature” within your team through a 360-degree feedback system. Both employees and managers are surveyed, giving more insightful and actionable feedback.
Contact Greenius today to supercharge your employee feedback!