With over 50 online training courses, available in English and Spanish, you can cover every aspect of your landscaping business from onboarding new employees to ongoing equipment and safety training to ensure performance excellence.

Available in English & Spanish

Essential snow plowing techniques
An important introduction to the preparation and snow plowing techniques that will allow you to work safely, efficiently and with excellent results.
Completion time: 20 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew leaders
- Crew members

Learn the steps for safe entry, start-up, parking and exiting a mini-excavator. Get trained in safe operating practices and hazards.
Completion time: 45 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew leaders
- Crew members

Engine and fuel basics
Learn how to work with engines, identify their components, understand and identify different types of fuel and handle engines and fuel safely.
Completion time: 20 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew members

Blower safety training
Understand the hazards associated with blowers and how to use blowers properly and safely to protect yourself and the equipment.
Completion time: 20 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew members
- Aerator safety
- Blade sharpening
- Chainsaw safety
- Edger safety
- Fertilizer spreader
- Generators
- Hedge trimmer
- Landscape hand tools
- Large walk-behind
- Pressure washer
- Small walk-behind
- Sprayer training
- Trimmer safety
- Truck and trailer
- Wide area mower safety
- Zero-turn mower
Box and wing snow plow
- Snow site engineering and planning
- Skid steer snow training
- Snow plowing safety and prep
- Winter walkways
Construction hand tools
Landscape tractor
Plate compactor
Portable stone saw
- Skid Steer

Quality counts
This course covers what quality is, why it’s important and how it’s achieved. Learn what it means to deliver quality for the customer, how to deliver it consistently and how quality can affect your success as a supervisor/crew leader.
Completion time: 25 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew leaders

Meeting and beating the budget
Learn what budgets are, how they’re developed, and your role in making or breaking budgets for your jobs by following a real landscaping company in action.
Completion time: 35 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew leaders

Customers count
Learn how to perform your role as company ambassador more effectively, including how to measure satisfaction and use communication to avoid and defuse difficult situations.
Completion time: 20 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew Leaders

Planning your day and morning prep
Learn why time management matters, how to prepare your crew (and get them involved in preparation), and how to build a daily plan (and communicate that plan to your crew).
Completion time: 20 mins
Perfect for:
- Crew members
- Coaching and motivating
- Difficult employees
- Safety and training
- Supervisor defensive driving
Available in English & Spanish

Personal safety
Learn how to work safely outdoors. You’ll learn valuable information on 14 topics ranging from sun safety and cell phones to falls and traffic hazards.
Completion time: 20 mins
Perfect for: Crew members & Leaders

Defensive driving
Get the tools to drive safely. Learn what defensive driving is, what your responsibilities are as a driver and what can affect your ability to drive safely.
Completion time: 20 mins
Perfect for: Crew members & Leaders

General harassment training
Learn how to identify workplace harassment and violence, what can cause or contribute to it, how to protect yourself and what to do if it occurs.
Completion time: 25 mins
Perfect for: Crew members & Leaders
- AODA – Ontario training
Bill 168 harassment training
- HAZCOM Aware
- Large spills
- Supervisor health and safety – Ontario
- Worker health and safety – Ontario
- Lockout/Tagout – LOTO
- Transportation of dangerous goods
- WHMIS with GHS – English
- WHMIS with GHS – French
Available in English & Spanish
Plant transportation
Learn how to move plants in ways that are safe for them and for you and your crew, including specifics on common plants.
Completion time: 10 mins
Perfect for: Crew members & Leaders
Golf course ride-on mowers
In this course, you’ll learn the proper and safe way to operate ride-on mowers, including the safety equipment required and hazards associated with the equipment.
Completion time: 25 mins
Perfect for: Crew members & Leaders
Learn how to prune deciduous trees and shrubs, including the basics of plant growth, required tools, timing, personal protective equipment, and the five basic cuts you’ll need to know.
Completion time: 15 mins
Perfect for: Crew members & Leaders
Powered trap rake
In this course you’ll learn the proper and safe way to operate power trap rakes, including safety equipment and hazards associated with the equipment.
Completion time: 35 mins
Perfect for: Crew members & Leaders
- Burial and backhoe operations
Cemetery burial
- Crematorium training
- Mausoleum training
- Garden center customer service
- Garden center product knowledge
- Utility and golf carts
- Walk-behind greens and tee mower
- Food and beverage safety
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